How to prevent Insulin Resistance through diet - Prediabetes - Imporatan Points - Fun Bazaaar
How to prevent Insulin Resistance through diet - Prediabetes - Imporatan Points - Fun BazaaarPrediabetes:
Prediabetes or Insulin Resistance is a wide spreading disease especially in North America. People are suffering more from prediabetes and diabetes in North America.Almost 25% of the population is suffering. The main cause of this figure is physical idleness, purified carbohydrates in which unwanted elements have been removed by processing and dairy, canned, convenience and sugary foods are main cause of it. Heredity is also there!
The main diseases which are caused by insulin resistance resistance are diabetes, heart disease, progressive mental deterioration that can occur in middle or old age and even over weight.
When we eat foods like fries, sugary cereals and other foods that drive up blood sugar in the body, the body starts producing insulin to extract glucose from the blood to nourish the cells.
Your main objective will be to consume foods that are digested slowly and are rich in fiber, which regulate your blood sugar and therefore insulin. The second will be to wean yourself of saturated and trans fats in favor of unsaturated fats that provide foods like fish, nuts and olive oil, which could have the effect of increasing the sensitivity of your cells to insulin. Whole grains, legumes and other fiber-rich carbohydrates Foods such as whole wheat pasta and barley are digested slowly, which prevents blood sugar spikes. Unfortunately, we consume too little. The same goes for legumes, such as chickpeas, soybeans and lens. At least, we consume more high fiber cereal, which is great. Data collected from the approximately 3000 subjects in the Framingham Offspring Study indicate that those who consumed the most whole grains, fiber and therefore, were significantly less likely to insulin resistance than those who took the least. First, make sure your morning cereal provides at least 5 grams of fiber per serving. Next, prepare your sandwiches with whole grain bread (the words "whole", "complete" or "integral" should accompany the name of the first ingredient on the list). Then, increase your intake of legumes. A soup with black beans or lentils, for example, make an excellent dinner. Furthermore, there is nothing simpler than to add some beans or chickpeas to salads. Your goals: 25-35 grams of fiber per day. A cup of cooked lentils or cooked oatmeal provides 16 g. Helpful hint: Avoid flavored instant oatmeal, which almost always contain added sugar.
Olive and its Oil, Nuts, Avocado
Rich in mono unsaturated fats, these foods are good for you, provided you consume them in moderation. By the way, not only do these fatty-they raise the blood sugar, but they stabilize.
Unlike saturated fats, which increase the risk of insulin resistance, unsaturated fats improve insulin sensitivity. That at least is what the Finnish researchers found. For three weeks, they have sent a high-fat diet saturated 31 subjects were hyperglycemia, to then submit them to a diet emphasizing mono unsaturated or polyunsaturated fat: blood sugar and 'insulin sensitivity subjects were then greatly improved. If you are looking to lose weight, especially not completely remove the fat, as they give flavor to dishes and prolong the feeling of satiety. Just be sure to choose the right fats, which uniquely accompanying vegetables; thus, olive oil is ideal for stir-frying or seasoning salads. Moreover, recent garnish a small handful of nuts or seeds. Your objectives: a tablespoon of olive oil for lunch and one at night, 30 g of nuts? cup of guacamole and a few slices of avocado. Helpful hint: Replace the cheese your sandwich with a slice or two lawyers. To prevent darkening, sprinkle them with a little lemon juice, which provide at the same time vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant. Spinach, legumes, fish and other foods rich in magnesium Studies indicate that Magnesium deficiency is associated with insulin resistance. The risk of diabetes 2 is much lower in people who consume lots of foods rich in this mineral, especially legumes and leafy vegetables. Your goals: Researchers have proved that, at doses of 300-400 mg per day, magnesium contributes to regulate glucose levels in diabetics. A quarter cup of pumpkin seeds provides 185 mg, one cup of cooked spinach, 157 mg. Helpful hint: like cooking causes depletion of magnesium, eat your vegetables raw whenever possible. Dark chocolate, green tea and Other foods rich in flavonoids If you like dark chocolate, you'll be pleased to know that this product is good for health. In two recent studies, Italian researchers found that among the subjects who took 100 grams of dark chocolate per day, the rate of insulin resistance decreased significantly, compared to those taking white chocolate. Researchers believe that this protective effect is due to the flavonoids contained in cocoa, which are both antioxidants and anti-inflammatories. Dark chocolate is also rich in chromium, a mineral that enhances insulin sensitivity. Green tea, wine, blueberry, apple with its skin, onion, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, spinach and asparagus are also rich in flavonoids. Your goals: from time to time, 45 g dark chocolate grading at least 60% cocoa, a few cups of green tea, and a few servings of citrus and berries daily. Magnesium
One recommends the supplement to those whose blood analysis reveals that they are deficient. Magnesium citrate and other chelated forms, that is to say in which the mineral is bound to another molecule, are absorbed more easily than non-chelated, such as magnesium oxide.
DOSE: studies indicate that, at from 300 to 400 mg doses, magnesium helps regulate blood glucose levels in diabetics. This corresponds approximately to the recommended doses, which are 400 and 420 mg for men and 310 to 320 mg for women. Avoid Sugars and Refined Grains
Like products made with white flour, sugary foods, the majority of rice cereal as well as other "white" foods are devoid of fiber, they are quickly digested and, therefore, raise the blood sugar and insulin production. Since they are also poor in nutrients and are caloric, they promote weight gain which in turn increases the risk of insulin resistance.
Replace these foods by bread and whole grain cereals, and juice with fresh fruit. Instead of soft drinks, take the club soda garnished with a slice of lime. And beware of packaged snacks. Avoid: fatty meat, whole dairy products and foods that contain trans fats Trans fats found in many processed foods, as well as saturated meat and cheese lipids increase the risk of diabetes and heart disease, which is already high in those who are insulin resistance. In addition, they may directly contribute to this condition and prevent the production of adequate amounts of insulin the body. Saturated lipids are stored in the cells as triglycerides, fatty harmful if any. When they accumulate in the insulin-producing cells, they can actually destroy them. In addition, Swedish researchers have demonstrated that we could improve insulin sensitivity by replacing saturated fats with olive oil or similar fat, provided however that the calories they provide do not represent more than 37% of total intake. To avoid: junk In a study lasting 15 years conducted at the University of Minnesota from 3000 young adults, researchers found that those who consumed junk food more than twice per week had an average of 4.5 kg and that their insulin resistance had increased by 104%. Fast food products are usually high in hydrogenated oils, refined starches or sugar. In addition, the portions are excessive. Therefore, put the soft pedal on these food experts call, rightly empty. Maintain your health, Maintain your beauty! |
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