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How to have Healthy skin - Important Tips

How to have Healthy skin - Important Tips

How to have Healthy skin - Important Tips

How to have Healthy skin - Important Tips

  • Don't take hot showers:
Stay away from hot showers because heat deprives the moisture of skin as well as removes the protective oils of skin. So, beware of hot water and tries to wash your face with cold or lukewarm water.

  • How to check which type of skin do you have? To see if you have dry skin or not, scratch your nails on the arm and if your fingernail produces a white mark then it means you have dry skin. Dry skin must be moisturized every day and exfoliated once in a week.
  • Talking about your neck and chest, specially the top side, as an extension of your face. As skin of these two parts of the body is particularly very sensitive, so they are expected more to show signs of aging such as drought, age spots, pimples and wrinkles. To be safe from these, use cleansing creams for the face. Don't use deodorant soaps, which dries out your skin. After that, apply a moisturizing facial cream on your face. If you have a dry skin, apply a moisturizing mask twice a month.
  •  During the night, operate the humidifier in your room. This will affect your skin in a good way. Your skin itch less and you breathe better.
  •  If you have a sensitive skin, try to avoid formulated cosmetics, coloring and perfume, and also give up products that make bubbles. All these substances can cause irritation to the skin.
  •  To regain softness and youth to the skin of your hands and feet, apply moisturizer and put on socks and gloves to sleep at night.
  • Tone your skin with a blend of sage, peppermint and witch hazel, first to limit the production of oil, the second to stimulate and refresh, and the third to regenerate the protective layer of the skin. Mix 110 ml of witch hazel water with 1 tablespoon of sage leaves and the same amount of mint leaves; let steep 1-3 days before using the preparation.
  • Use a loofah daily to remove ingrown hairs and skin peeling. In the shower, pass it in a circular motion on bumpy and dry parts of your body. You will feel even softer skin if you put a few drops of a product with alpha hydroxy acids on the sponge before rubbing on the skin.
  • Apply unscented baby powder in places where two skin surfaces touch, such as the inner thighs, armpits or the area under large breasts. This will keep your skin dry and clean, and prevent interring, skin condition appearing in places that remain wet and beloved by bacteria and fungi.
  • If you spend the day outdoors, avoid perfumes and scented lotions which, in the sun, the skin can marbling.
  • Apply aloe vera gel on the dry parts of your skin. Acids in this substance address the dead cells and accelerate the regeneration process. Cut an aloe leaf and open it; extruder in the gel.
  • Treat the dry skin on your elbows with a grapefruit. Start by exfoliating treatment in the bath or shower, then cut a grapefruit and dive elbows in both halves, leaving the rest for 15 minutes. The acid in the fruit acts as a softener.
  • Sweat: run, bike ride, work in the garden on a hot day, do something that will make you sweat. Sweating helps naturally remove toxic substances that accumulate under the skin. Also, regular exercise maintains good circulation throughout the body, including the skin. If you go outside, remember to apply sunscreen, or a moisturizer that contains to protect your face against UVA and UVB rays.
  • Change the return of moisturizer seasons. The skin needs to be hydrated more in winter than in summer. Therefore, on the day you take out the winter clothes from the attic, go to thicker moisturizer. Conversely, when you go out shorts, go to a lighter product.
  • Avoid these three enemies of the skin: smoking, tanning salon and sunbathing. They will destroy skin prematurely.
  • For double protection, apply sunscreen cream containing vitamin C. It will help to prevent damage to the skin dehydration and wrinkling. You can also use creams containing vitamin E or beta-carotene.
  • In a spray bottle, mix the water with a few drops of rose oil, sandalwood and Bamberger. Sprinkle in your face every time you need a little lift. These essences perfectly moisturize the skin, which will be even more flexible and less prone to the formation of expression lines. The moisturizer also protects against pollutants and protects the skin lubrication. Bonus: your makeup last longer and your look will be more natural.
  • To get rid your skin from pollutants that could damage, clean your face and neck twice daily with a natural cold cream, then rinse with a solution of glycerin and rose water.
  • Do not touch your face with your hands. Doing so may be transmitted germs and dirt they collect on the multitude of objects that you handle in a day.
  • Do not take more than a glass of wine or other alcohol per day. The excess alcohol has the effect of dilating blood vessels on the surface of the facial skin.
  • Do not rub your eyes. The facial skin is very delicate, especially under the eyes. If your eyes itch, apply a cold compress, or a cotton swab moistened with toner or witch hazel.
  • Maintain your health, Maintain your beauty!
How to have Healthy skin - Important Tips

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